Hiking Paths

Die Wege mit herrlicher Aussicht auf das Salzachtal und die umliegende Bergwelt können Sie im Frühjahr bis spät in den Herbst bewandern. Wenn hoch oben in den Bergen bereits der erste Schnee liegt, genießen Sie hier über der Nebelgrenze die Sonne. Sie starten direkt in Orstnähe von St. Koloman.


Start: Wegscheid / Berggasthof Alpenrose
Trail time ca. 2 - 3 hours
This quiet path leads from St. Koloman through Zimmereck Forest to the Wilhelmskapelle, a chapel that radiates amazing spiritual power. 
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Start: BioVitalHotel Sommerau
Trail time ca. 1 – 2 hours
Here you will get to walk along a beautiful, quiet path through forest.
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Trail time ca. 1 hour
In 1898, on the occasion of the 50-year jubilee of Emperor Franz Joseph's accession to the Austrian throne, an "Imperial Oak" was planted on the Kirchbühel. It still stands, in one of the most beautiful locations above the town center of St. Koloman.

Give yourself a break and enjoy the "imperial tranquility" along with wonderful views of the Osterhorn Group.

You can reach the "Imperial Oak" in about a 7-minute walk by taking the path between the Raiffeisenbank and Gasthof Goldener Stern.

Trail time ca. 2 hours

This hiking path can be reached directly from the center of town. It treats hikers to marvelous views in the direction of Salzburg.
From the village square towards Wegscheid, past the Lagerhaus and 5 minutes along the footpath next to the main road. Make a left at the first turn, following signs for the "Eibl Rundwanderweg". Keep following the signs, initially with a steep climb, alongside the paved road to the Eiblgut. Past the Eiblgut crossing a cattle grid, then after about 50 meters make a right along a farm path towards the Zimmereckstraße. Once you reach Zimmereckstraße, turn right and continue back in the direction of St. Koloman.
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